Adventure Summer: Carlsbad Caverns National Park

This (long-awaited) post will pick up where the previous post left off. Hiking the tallest mountain in the state of Texas leaves you proud, but hungry. Elizabeth and I finished our descent of Guadalupe Peak late in the afternoon of July 14, 2018. Sore thighs, sore feet, but proud of one of the biggest physical …

Adventure Summer Part 2: National Parks Trip, Day 1

One of Elizabeth’s goals in life is to visit every national park. It’s funny to think about it, but in the summer of 2018, she still had yet to visit any. Thus, we made plans to visit two parks once her differential equations class was over. On the recommendation of my coworker, Ethan, we planned …

Adventure Summer Part 1: Chickasaw National Recreation Area

Summer 2018 was a cool time for Elizabeth and myself. We had both just finished our sophomore year at the University of Oklahoma. I was working a part-time job in Norman over the summer, while she had to take differential equations as part of our major track. The differential equations class took place in just …
